Monday 21 March 2011

Feelin’ It.

In general, I'm a pretty happy guy. I don't get grumpy very often. And when I do, it's usually about really silly things. You know the kinds of stuff I'm talking about: someone using cheddar cheese on a pizza, or missing the previews to a movie, or the movie theatre not having Coke. Or ice. Or Chunky Monkey – quite possibly the best ice cream ever served one painfully small wooden spoodle at a time. As you can see, most of my bad moods involve food, or the lack thereof. Not today. Today I'm grumpy for good reason. Actually, two good reasons. See…? I'm too grumpy to count. 

Trouble is, I can't do anything about either one of those reasons right now. Reason #1 is just a shitty circumstance that should clear itself up in the next few weeks. Most of the time between now and then will be pretty Oscariffic, but fingers crossed it's a situation that will turn out to be much ado about sweet FA. And no, it's not an STI or an unwanted pregnancy – in a way I wish it were. At least then I could come up with a plan of attack. Reason #2 is actually a good thing, but it's one of those good things that has to suck hard before it's any good – and even then, when it gets good, the best it's ever going to be is slightly different than what you'd hoped for originally. Not better, not worse, just… different. Think of it as the emotional equivalent to The Phantom Menace. Eventually, all that 'younglings' thing works out OK, but fuck me if you don't have to earn it.

Moods, huh. Who needs 'em?

Ironic, or genius that this is the first thing to make me smile all day…?


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